(2 customer reviews)


Acidosalus ® Plus is a fermented cow’s milk food supplement that contains probiotic bacteria of the species Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis , and prebiotic inulin.

  • White drop of health
  • Fermented cow’s milk
  • Probiotic: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis
  • Prebiotic: inulin
  • Strong immunity is the road to a healthy body
  • Food supplement

probiotic (lat.) “pro” for and “bios” life.

Acidosalus® Plus is a fermented cow’s milk food supplement that contains probiotic bacteria of the species Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis , and prebiotic inulin.


Bifidobacteria were isolated from infants for the first time, that is, they are an integral part of the microbiota of breast milk and responsible for building the immune system of infants. Bifidobacterium lactis is associated with lower levels of specific salivary bacteria that contribute to poor oral health. It contributes to more regular bowel movements and to the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of probiotic (“good” bacteria) found in the human intestines, mouth and vagina and in certain foods.”Good” bacteria such as L. acidophilus can help break down food, absorb nutrients, and fight “bad” organisms that can cause disease. L. acidophilus is commonly used for antibiotic-induced diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), vaginal bacterial overgrowth, and infection caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). It helps with acne, hay fever, eczema and many other conditions.

Lactobacillus casei supports the immune system because it is associated with a greater number of antibodies (natural proteins that recognize and bind to foreign substances, such as harmful bacteria). It supports the health of the upper respiratory system . In combination with Bifidobacterium, it is associated with softer stools and more regular bowel movements.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus associated with a reduction in the frequency of loose stools commonly experienced by travelers when traveling to countries where they are exposed to unknown bacteria. It has a favorable effect on oral health by creating favorable microflora already in the mouth.

Inulin is a prebiotic in the form of indigestible fibers that target specific components within the microbiota of the human colon. Prebiotics are responsible for the growth and survival of probiotic bacteria in the intestines because they are their food.

Acidosalus® Plus preparations supplement the diet with substances that are not obtained in sufficient quantity through normal food intake. Thus, they increase the general resistance of the organism to stressful external influences and help maintain the proper physiological functions of the organism. A fast-paced lifestyle, poor nutrition, stress, viruses and taking antibiotics weaken the immune system, so experts advise that it be developed and strengthened in a timely manner to prevent potential infections, i.e. infectious diseases. Acidosalus® Plus dietary supplement is not a substitute or substitute for a balanced diet. The concentration of “good bacteria” is min. 1010 CFU/mL preparation.


Shake lightly. The recommended dose is 1-2 dcL, half an hour before a meal. Best in the morning on an empty stomach.


1000 mL in a glass bottle


pasteurized cow’s milk, spring water, cow’s milk powder, glucose, whey, yeast extract, inulin, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis

Reviews (2)

2 reviews for ACIDOSALUS® Plus

  1. A

    Anoniman (verified owner)

    Provjereno djeluje

  2. SM

    Sanja M. (verified owner)

    Zadovoljna sam sa proizvodom i dostavom

  3. Ž

    Žiga (verified owner)

    Odličan proizvod za poboljšanje probavnog trakta poslije uzimanje antibiotika i dizanje imuniteta.

  4. JD

    Julijana D. (verified owner)

    Vrlo sam zadovoljna proizvodom.

  5. A

    Anoniman (verified owner)

    Neophodan za oporavak nakon terapiije antibioticima.

  6. A

    Anoniman (verified owner)

    Odličan proizvod, posebno nakon terapije antibioticima

  7. SM

    Sanja M. (verified owner)

    Dobar proizvod

  8. MF

    Marin Fenrih (verified owner)


  9. TC

    Tanja Cigui (verified owner)

    odličan za imunitet i zdravlje crijeva

  10. A

    Anoniman (verified owner)


  11. JČ

    Jasna Č. (verified owner)

    Izvrstan proizvod, pogotovo kad se uzimaju antibiotici. Dostava brza i efikasna.

  12. MP

    Maja Pećnik (verified owner)

    Izuzetno sam zadovoljna proizvodo
    m.Imam problema sa crijevima,Acidosalus mi je u vise navrata spasio takoreci zivot.Toplo preporucam

  13. S

    Stipe (verified owner)

    Odličan prozivod, jako brza dostava. Za svaku pohvalu i preporuku.

  14. A

    Anoniman (verified owner)

    Fantastičan proizvod! Najbolji probiotik na tržištu! Opravdava cijenu.
    Mene je jedini spasio od proljeva koji je trajao dva mjeseca. Mnoge lijekove i probiotike sam probao bez uspjeha. Dva dana nakon primjene Acidosalusa bio sam bez tegoba! Hvala Marina Lab-u koji radi odličan posao. Sve pohvale!

  15. B

    BLAŽENKA (verified owner)

    Izuzetno sam zadovoljna proizvodom Acidosalus Plus i preporučila bih ga drugima. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci korištenja ovog proizvoda, riješila sam problem koji antibiotici u gotovo dvije godine terapije nisu.

  16. Ž

    Žiga (verified owner)

    Daje više energije i stabilizaciji crijevne flore!

  17. S

    Suzana (verified owner)

    Ukusno, zdravo, velika pomoć svima koji zbog obaveza i posla ponekad zanemare potrebe tijela i zaborave na potrebu građenja i održavanja imuniteta.

  18. A

    Anoniman (verified owner)

    Acidosalus Plus koristim naizmjenično s Acidosalusom i oba proizvoda su mi odlična. Acidosalus Plus rješava probleme nadimanja i nadutosti.

  19. SH

    Silvija H. (verified owner)

    Redovito kupujem Acidosalus jogurte i jako sam zadovoljna s njima, kako okusom tako i s blagodati koju pružaju budući da sam intolerantna na laktozu pa mi Acidosalus proizvodi jako odgovaraju.

  20. A

    Anoniman (verified owner)

    Odlična probava nakon korištenja .

  21. S

    Silvija (verified owner)

    Acidosalusovi jogurti su jedini koje mogu jesti jer me ne napuhavaju tako da sam zahvalna što ih proizvode.

  22. L

    Luka (verified owner)

    Super proizvod

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